About us

These are the values that we live every day at New Dimension, not only towards our clients and partners, but also internally towards each other.
What do they mean to us?
Quality, excellent outputs and meaningfulness are unsurpassable for us. We deliver a benefit, not a product, to our clients. We agilely address their current needs and at the same time help their future development. By doing so, we are building a brand of PROFESSIONALS in the field.
Whether you are an employee, client or business partner at New Dimension, we always aim for win-win solutions and approach each other as PARTNERS. This approach is key for us and is reflected in our work, communication and decision-making.
We see the people in the team as a whole. They are not just a work tool or human resources for us. We are interested in each other’s work and private lives. We offer support in all areas of life, and this HUMANITY, which is interwoven throughout the corporate culture, makes us feel at home in New Dimension.
We like to celebrate and there are many reasons. Sometimes it’s a birthday, the start of the season, Christmas, or simply that we’ve had a successful week. Being able to celebrate SUCCESS and see it even in the everyday little things is something that moves us forward, gives us motivation and brings the team together.
When you come to us, you will feel comfortable, safe and cozy. At least that’s what most of our clients who visit our building say. We know that working with ENERGY is important not only in how to distribute it, but also in how to recharge it. That’s why we create a working environment in which we feel good. If you want to take a look at us, check out the video below or just stop by for a coffee.
We are here
for you
Do you have questions, would you like advice or to learn more about our services? We will be happy to ensure that all business matters run smoothly.